February 15, 2008

Meet Edward Kriewall: Your 2008 Democratic Challenger

With the news that Tom Spencer has suspended his campaign, I was pleased to see that Edward Kriewall finally has a website up.

Kriewall For Congress

I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about Ed. Some highlights from his issues page:
Withdraw from Iraq: American troops should not be dying for what is a civil war taking place in Iraq. Iraq is a huge mistake by the Bush administration.
Universal Health Care: We are already paying for the uninsured. Let us all get on the same boat and adopt a single payer program.
Lower Taxes: We can lower taxes if we leave Iraq and lower defense spending.
Great Lakes Water & Lake Levels: Our great lakes have dropped 4' in the past few years and the levels are not returning on their scheduled cyclical rise. We need answers and solutions. Our future tourism industry is in trouble if this continues. We need to have improved tourism as we continually fade as an industrial power.
Replace follow the leader politicians: Now is the time.

That's a progressive platform for you. Ed Kriewall will make a great Congressman - let's go out and win it for him.


Matthew A. Webb said...

{Withdraw from Iraq: American troops should not be dying for what is a civil war taking place in Iraq. Iraq is a huge mistake by the Bush administration.}

That is fine if you really are wanting another attack to happen in the United States. Also, the American freedoms of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness are not just available to people contained within the borders of our country. Those rights are for humans throughout the whole world. If the United States military has to defend those basic right for citizens of other nations we should.

{Universal Health Care: We are already paying for the uninsured. Let us all get on the same boat and adopt a single payer program.}

Great idea! Awesome!! Tremendous!!! (Heavy Sarcasm.) How about we introduce laws that give people who purchase their own health care/insurance a tax right off/ tax break? That helps. On top of that in a true free market a business that doesn't perform fails. Just like in nature it's survival of the fittest. A health insurance company will provide the perfect balance of cost to coverage.

{Lower Taxes: We can lower taxes if we leave Iraq and lower defense spending.}

I really like this part of that statement "Lower Taxes". The rest of that is rubbish. As a country we should never lower defense spending. Would you stop paying your home insurance to afford college for your children? No! You go and get another part time job. Or, better yet, your child goes and works for his/her own continued education. However, lowering taxes is great. I say we lower all taxes across the board. While we are lowering taxes we redo the budget and cut out all the extra spending . The federal government is here to defend the rights of the people, protect the borders of our nation, and to provide a way for commerce to get from one state to the next ie, highway, expressways, byways, light and heavy rail systems and river traffic. Everything else is not allowed, defined by the constitution and should be cut. Lowering our taxes is a necessity.

{Great Lakes Water & Lake Levels: Our great lakes have dropped 4' in the past few years and the levels are not returning on their scheduled cyclical rise. We need answers and solutions. Our future tourism industry is in trouble if this continues. We need to have improved tourism as we continually fade as an industrial power.}

The Great Lakes will return to their normal water levels. We are in a weather cycle. Some cycles last a year, some just a season, some are ten year cycles and others cycle over a many number of years. Increased tourism is a great idea. But, we should, as a state, enable business by slashing taxes and rewarding tax benefits to companies to make Michigan the smartest place to start, relocate, develop and run your business. We should be passing laws that spur innovation and industry here in Michigan. It should almost seem like because of Michigan business laws the state government is paying business to start here and stay here. Let's make Michigan the smartest place to do business. All business! We shouldn't favor one over the other. Embrace all business.

{Replace follow the leader politicians: Now is the time.}

This is the only statement that i agree with totally. The current crop of crooks are and will always be looking out for themselves at all times. They crave power and are willing to promise anybody everything to stay in power. They need to be replaced. We need more forward thinking people running our state and then our nation. People who are not in this game for a paycheck or for votes. The right people are there who love freedom and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the better of Michigan's citizens, environment and businesses. That sacrifice flows through our veins as Michiganders, as United States citizens and as Humans.

My name is Matthew Webb and I approve this message.

Cristina M. said...

Universal health care?? Look at England, look at Canada!!! Wherever the government puts it's foot in, it only goes down. For example the Medicare/Medicaid, or the school system.

I am all for personal responsability, I don't need the government to babysit me.

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abdominoplasty surgery said...

However, lowering taxes is great. I say we lower all taxes across the board. While we are lowering taxes we redo the budget and cut out all the extra spending .

after bypass surgery said...

Everything else is not allowed, defined by the constitution and should be cut. Lowering our taxes is a necessity.

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Great writing! You should definitely follow up on this topic!?!

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